Articles, News, FAQs and More

Faydelys Robinson Faydelys Robinson

Creating an eVisa Account

Anyone with a Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) expiring on 31 December 2024 can now create an eVisa account. What does this mean, and what does it involve? Your questions answered here.

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Faydelys Robinson Faydelys Robinson

Football Crosses the Divide

One of the most significant impacts of both current and historic immigration on UK football is the incredible infusion of talent from around the world. Here we explore how football has the power to cross social, cultural, racial, and political divides.

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Faydelys Robinson Faydelys Robinson

UK immigration options for EU citizens after Brexit

One year on from the end of the transition period, what are the UK immigration options available to EU citizens relocating to the UK? Here we explore the main visa categories and take a look at what the future might hold.

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Faydelys Robinson Faydelys Robinson

How Do I Permanently Settle In the UK?

Obtaining settlement in the UK is a long process requiring careful forward-planning. In this article, we summarise the main considerations for those planning to apply.

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