Best UK Visa Options for Skilled IT Professionals

The UK is a popular destination for IT professionals and welcomes thousands of skilled migrants each year. Working in the UK tech industry comes with many benefits, including great job opportunities at leading companies, gaining international experience, and experiencing British culture.

UK Visa Options for IT Professionals

The first decision you'll need to make when looking to immigrate to the UK is choosing the right visa. There are a number of possible UK visa options, depending on your skills and also the skill level of the targeted job(s). The best strategy is to work with a UK immigration lawyer who can advise fully on the options, including each visa’s unique limitations. Often, the two best visa categories for skilled tech professional planning to immigrate to the UK are a Sponsored Work Visa and/or a Global Talent Visa – both options are summarised below.

Sponsored Work Visa

The two main types of Sponsored Work Visa are the Skilled Worker visa and the Intra Company Transfer visa (both replacing the Tier 2 category). The Skilled Worker visa allows a migrant worker to be sponsored by a UK company provided the job is skilled to at least ‘RQF 3’ (roughly equating to A-levels or above) and pays the minimum salary, and the migrant meets the relevant personal requirements (including an English language requirement). The Intra Company Transfer category allows a UK company with an overseas office to transfer a worker to the UK – the skill level is higher (RQF 6 or degree level), but there is no English language requirement. Importantly, the Intra Company Transfer category can never lead to permanent residence (unlike the Skilled Worker category, which can).

So, often the first step is to find a UK offer of employment with a licensed UK sponsor – either by job-searching in the UK, or by working for a multi-national company in your home country which is open to transferring you to their UK office at a later date. It is worth noting that many tech roles are on the Shortage Occupation List which can mean that a lower minimum salary is required and lower filing fees are payable.

Both visas (Skilled Worker and Intra Company Transfer) allow you to live in the UK for up to five years initially, during which time the visa is tied to the sponsoring employer. As mentioned, a Skilled Worker visa can lead to permanent residence after five years – alternatively, you can continue to extend your visa in increments of up to five years. The Intra Company Transfer visa comes with a maximum of five years in a six year period, or nine years in a 10 year period if you’re considered to be a ‘high earner’. Both types of visa allow the main applicant to bring immediate family members such as a spouse and child.

Global Talent Visa

The Global Talent Visa replaces the previous Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) category and aims to attract the brightest talents worldwide. This visa offers substantial flexibility – it is not tied to a particular employer or job, permits self-employment and entrepreneurialism, and can be requested in increments of one year (to a maximum of five years initially). It also allows immediate family members to apply for a visa.

In order to successfully obtain a Global Talent Visa, the applicant must first be endorsed by the relevant Endorsing Body as ‘exceptionally talented’ (a world leader in their field) or ‘exceptionally promising’ (an emerging world leader in their field). For applicants in the tech industry, the relevant endorsing body is Tech Nation – for this reason, the visa is often nick-named the ‘Tech Nation Visa’.

Tech Nation accepts applications from founders and employees with technical or business backgrounds in all tech sub-sectors. It is important to work with a UK immigration lawyer who can carefully prepare your application to Tech Nation, to ensure their requirements for endorsement are met. Only once the endorsement has been granted can the visa itself be obtained.

Other Routes to Working in the UK Tech Industry

There are a few other visa options for those looking to immigrate to the UK as a skilled IT professional, such as the Start-up and Innovator visa for individuals looking to start an innovative business in the UK. There is also the option of applying for a T5 (Temporary Worker) visa – for example as an intern in the UK under the Government Authorised Exchange category, which can be a useful way of making connections in the UK when searching for a long-term Sponsored Work Visa. There may be other options open to you, and it is best to discuss your situation fully with a UK immigration lawyer who can tailor a visa strategy to your needs.

Reputable UK-Bound Immigration Services

You should work with a trustworthy law firm specializing in UK-bound immigration when applying for the UK work visa. At Eversage Associates, we simplify the process using modern approaches and an effective communication style. We work with a number of companies in the tech industry as well as world-leading tech talent – we are well-placed to assist with your UK immigration journey!


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