Requirements for Obtaining an Unmarried Partner Visa in the UK


What is an Unmarried Partner Visa? 

An Unmarried Partner Visa allows a non-British citizen to relocate with their British partner to the UK or to join their British partner in the UK. Here we are specifically talking about partners of British citizens, however it is worth noting that many other UK visa types allow for unmarried partners to apply as dependants.

Many modern couples are choosing not to get married, or to wait a significant period of time before taking that step together. Luckily, UK immigration rules recognise that romantic partners who are in a long-term, committed relationship should be entitled to live together in the UK without being forced to get married legally (or to form a legal civil partnership). That said, the UK immigration laws in this area can be confusing and it is advisable to approach these applications with great care.

If you do choose to work with a UK immigration lawyer, you should choose a firm which specialises in UK visa applications and has experience in this visa category specifically. Eversage Associates is extremely experienced with all partner visas, including unmarried partners, and is well-placed to guide you through this process.  

Qualifying for an Unmarried Partner Visa

Moving to another country to live with your loved one is a big step. As a non-citizen, you will need to meet specific requirements to obtain an Unmarried Partner Visa, and these requirements mainly centre around your personal background, your relationship with your partner, and a financial requirement.   

Personal Background

The personal information submitted with an Unmarried Partner Visa is very similar to other UK visa categories. You will complete an online application form which requests information about your individual and family background, your travel history, and your planned accommodation in the UK. If you have any complicated background facts such as criminal convictions or previous visa refusals, you will need to disclose them here. If this is the case, it is strongly recommended that you work with a UK immigration lawyer who can advise on whether your background will affect your ability to obtain a visa. A good UK immigration lawyer will also make representations to the caseworker on your behalf to boost your application’s chances of success.

Relationship Requirement

The applicant must prove that they are in a committed relationship with their British partner – a relationship which is ‘akin to marriage’. More specifically, you and your British partner must have lived together in a relationship for at least two before submitting the application. This does not include time spent visiting each other in your respective home countries – you must be permanently cohabiting for the full two-year period. That said, this does not have to be the most recent two years before submitting an application; instead, it may be possible to rely on a previous two year period if, for example, you and your partner are now in a long-distance relationship after previously living together for two years.

Selecting the right evidence to show the period of cohabitation along with the genuine and committed nature of your relationship is one of the most delicate parts of the process. This usually includes joint correspondence spanning at least two years, evidence of joint financial responsibilities, photos together as a couple and with family/friends, and support letter(s). Working with a UK immigration lawyer will ensure that you submit the highest quality evidence available, and that it is presented to the caseworker in an organised manner. Eversage Associates is very experienced in preparing application packages which focus on the quality of evidence rather than quantity of evidence – this generally leads to quicker visa approvals.

Financial Requirement

The financial requirements for Unmarried Partner Visas are rigorous. In very simple terms, your British partner must show income of at least £18,600 gross per annum and, if they are returning to the UK with you, that they have a job offer paying at least this amount which will begin within three months of your arrival. The documents required to prove this income are extremely specific, and we recommend seeking the advice of a UK immigration lawyer who can assist with compiling the necessary financial documents in accordance with your circumstances.

You will also need to show that you and your partner will be adequately accommodated when you return to the UK. There is no specific need to have your own home and you can stay with family/friends as long as you will have your own private room as a couple, and the home you are staying in will not be considered ‘overcrowded’.

Choose Eversage Associates

The UK immigration lawyers at Eversage Associates are ready to advise on the steps you must take to obtain an Unmarried Partner Visa. Immigration law is complicated, and you should not approach this visa application casually – it is best to be prepared, and we look forward to working with you to create a tailored immigration strategy to suit your needs.


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